Date Published 22 January 2025
Landlords need to seek the help of local letting experts now more than ever before.
Labour's new Renters' Rights Bill, which has passed its Third Commons Reading, increases the compliance burden on landlords and carries the threat of increased financial penalties for those who break the rules.
Historically, more than 80% of landlords manage their properties themselves, but with new licensing regulations on the horizon and the multiplicity of compliance standards set out in the new legislation, landlords run the risk of hefty fines if they are caught out by the new regulations.
A high percentage of these landlords will move the management of their properties to a qualified letting agent in the local area because of the new legislation, compliance concerns and the risk of hefty fines if they make a mistake.
If you are a Poole Landlord are are also worried about what the future holds why not put your property in the hand of an agent with 30 years experience in owning / managing and letting properties in Poole, call Sarah or Shaun on 01202 621900 today for your FREE no obligation chat.